My Story
I am passionate about empowering children in all aspects of life, especially through difficult situations. This led me to write my debut picture book called, Shine Down on Me. My book is a supportive resource for grieving children and their families.
Shine Down on Me aims to:
acknowledge and validate all of the intense emotions associated with grief - these feelings are completely natural and part of the grieving process
make connections between grief and the weather, in order to support children with processing their own feelings - children learn by making connections to the world around them
provide comfort and moments of hopefulness during this very difficult time - it will never be okay, but maybe we can find some ways to cope as we continue to remember our loved ones who are no longer with us
Shine Down on Me is very much about missing someone who is emotionally present, even if they are physically absent. Our departed loved ones will continue to live on in our hearts and memories.
As a griever myself, I wrote this book from the heavy loss within my own heart. I hope my book brings comfort to you and your loved ones.
You are not alone in your grief journey.
Sending you love,